Welcome to Touched Minds Charity Initiative!
+256 751 921 201
9am - 5pm

Create awareness through sensitisation

We give the best Services

Sensitisation literally means making people sensitive about an issue which is the core of awareness raising and is what we ideally want to achieve. That people become more aware and react to certain issues.

Through sensitization we are informing people about an issue of children born with disabilities and making sure they have the correct information to truly understand how to live with them. We want the target audience to think critically about the issue and actively process the information.
Building social support: the people we sensitize should know where they can get support or give support to other people facing the same issue.
Sensitisation through interaction and discussion.
We change mindsets through challenging myths and correcting misconceptions about disabilities.
By creating awareness and sensitization through skills building activities; such as role play or other capacity building activities.
Through outreach campaign activities, we target an entire community to engage at once and involve authorities and community leaders in developing our key messages and in implementing of sensitization activities.

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