Welcome to Touched Minds Charity Initiative!
+256 751 921 201
9am - 5pm

My Vision For Starting Touched Minds Charity Initiative

My Story

There are many underprivileged families which struggle to have a better life in basic needs

” We will create communities where every child and underprivileged families will have a chance to live a healthy, long and better life. “

I have for long, had a big passion to contribute to the communities I live in as far back as I can remember. Its with this ambition that I set out back in 2015, when I was working with a one research consultancy firm.

I had visited a family doing household surveys and at the end of the day when I was leaving this home, I found children playing football in the compound. I realised there was this one child not playing although his facial expressions showed how much he wanted but unable to.

I later realised that he had a disability and had clutches which couldn’t enable him to interact freely with his peers. This touched me and I wondered how I could be helpful to this child. That’s when one of my colleagues called Martha told me that Claire, there is a hospital in Entebbe called ‘CORSU” which does surgery and some free surgeries for children.

Surely, I didn’t know about this hospital let alone their arrangement. This opened up my mind to the realisation that in most rural areas in Uganda, there is no awareness concerning children born with certain disabilities, and that they can be corrected if the child is still at an early stage, even at a free cost in some hospitals. In so communities these children are locked up in their houses during day time as family members go to work or do other activities. Usually, many families look at their Disabled children as a burden.

My experience in traveling and working in different communities has enlightened me on a number of issues children face and especially those born with disabilities, in underprivileged families that can’t even afford a proper meal and amongst others challenges.

It’s for this reason that we tend to look at the most critical situations facing children born with disabilities, underprivileged families and communities, and for each issue that we focus on as TMCI, we find solutions that would help us contribute to their well being. Personally i believe it is better to focus on children and if disabilities are worked on at an early stage, it would reduce inabilities in the future and hence contribute to the development of our communities effectively.

I also came to realise that there are many underprivileged families which struggle to have a better life in basic needs thus living in struggle and dependance on others.

I believe that if we joined our efforts together, we could offer support to many underprivileged families and children born with disabilities in rural and urban Uganda. I am convinced that we do have the capacity as Touched Minds Charity Initiative together with well-wishers, donors and volunteers, to make the desired difference in our societies today through the sustainable development goal Action Number 17. Through this we are working on most activities through partnering with both local and international agencies with similar objectives to ours.

We will create communities where every child and underprivileged families will have a chance to live a healthy, long and better life.

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