Welcome to Touched Minds Charity Initiative!
+256 751 921 201
9am - 5pm


Team members

Meet The Team Behind The Scenes At TMCI

As a dedicated advocate for children, I uphold the rights and dignity of all children, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. With compassion and resolve, I lead initiatives at TMCI that focus on child protection, inclusive education, and empowerment. I hold the conviction that every child, including those with disabilities or physical challenges, deserves recognition, a voice, and respect. No child should be concealed or endure silently due to their uniqueness. Through joint efforts, I am dedicated to forging a world where every child can prosper, realize their utmost potential, and radiate without the dread of stigma or isolation. I am resolute in turning this vision into reality. With divine guidance, I am determined to improve their world.

Ms. Claire Kyarisiima

With a rich set of skills and experience, working with government organisations like UBOS, Brian brings on board his experience and SkIlls that are very important and of great value to TMCI.

Mr. Brian McKnight Kasule

Stella Kyasiimire is a passionate philanthropist and dedicated community leader. Driven by compassion and commitment, Stella has spent years supporting vulnerable communities through various initiatives.
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Stella Kyasiimire

Bless is  a legal practioner who has been raised in human rights advocacy and charity work . Having worked with organisations that are specialising in the niche of human rights and also offering pro bono services to the less privileged people. Bless has spiritedly offered legal services to the less privileged and engaged in community work for a just and equitable society.

Mr. Bless Atukunda

Legal Council
He has extensive experience in information technology and computing, he is responsible for TMCI IT systems.
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Mr. Barlow Kasule

IT Consultant

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.