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TMCI at the ANC meeting organised by the ministry of health

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  • TMCI at the ANC meeting organised by the ministry of health

We were honoured to be part of the ANC Meeting organised by M.O.H.

THEME: Saving the lives of Mothers and babies through uptake of malaria in Pregnancy Prevention Interventions.

Malaria in Pregnancy (MiP) is a major public health burden leading to indirect causes of Maternal and new born morbidity, mortality and still births. Globally, MiP is responsible for 400,000 cases of Maternal anemia and 10,000 Maternal death annually.

  • 📌 30% of the MiP cases that are initially OPD eventually get admitted as severe Malaria.
  • 📌 of the 22% indirect cases of Maternal deaths in Uganda, 9-11% are due to Malaria.

As TMCI, this is a reminder/a wake up call to reinforce systems on curbing down this deadly disease.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.