Welcome to Touched Minds Charity Initiative!
+256 751 921 201
9am - 5pm

Baby Ismael

On the 18th July 2023, we received Baby Ishmael Aijuka all the way from Rukungiri-Nyarushanje and he’s getting treatment at CoRSU.

For people with Disability Smile Train . Baby Ishmael was born with a cleft lip and the parents dint know that such a condition can be corrected. A big round of applause 👏 to Corsu and smile train for the tremendous work.

There are so many children especially in remote areas whose parents aren’t sensitised about such. Lack of awareness is the leading cause of high rates of disabilities and deformities. Some of these children are usually hidden away and can’t freely interact with others. This kind of discrimination and isolation leads to traumatization of the victims.

Touched Minds Charity Initiative -TMCI is here to change all that by reaching out and giving a helping hand in creating awareness,sensitization , referral and so much more.

At Touched Minds Charity Initiative-TMCI, we believe in SDG No.17 where by with this goal we work on most activities through partnering with both local and international organisations in line with TMCI’s objectives.

We are so passionate about children ❤️

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.