Welcome to Touched Minds Charity Initiative!
+256 751 921 201
9am - 5pm

A visit to Mutesi Sharon’s home

On the 11th November 2023, we visited Mutesi Sharon’s home in Mpererwe – Kitezi

Baby Sarah is the first  born with a cleft in Mr.Kiberu’s home. She was born with a deformity and her mother was overwhelmed. The midwife who was attending to her, luckily knew about Touched Minds Charity Initiative -TMCI and she called us a few minutes after birth in the wee hours and told us about Baby Sarah.

Just like any other mother, the first worry was How will she be with her baby in the society, how will she hide her from public bullies?? the bills, surgery and all that, but we comforted them on how all will be handled freely 100% courtesy of Smile Train CoRSU. For people with Disability

At TMCI, our Joy is derived from improving and bettering lives of children born and living with disabilities through creating awareness, identifying, and coordinating with community leaders and medical personnels to achieve our goals.

We also do post surgery visits in their homes, because we care, and until every child is safe and fine, then our work isn’t done!

We are so passionate about children and anything concerning children is our calling. We give God all the Glory for using us to put a smile on these litte  cute faces!

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