Welcome to Touched Minds Charity Initiative!
+256 751 921 201
9am - 5pm


Refugees Empowerment

At Touched Minds Charity We aim at empowering refugees in the most vulnerable host communities through different interventions like: Helping support children in the refugee camps in accessing better education, health care, fight malnutrition and enhance parental care. Creating awareness and sensitisation on sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS among others. Encouraging job creation among refugee […]
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Building a just society

We at Touched Minds Charity Aim at promoting the participation of the most vulnerable communities, homes especially children and young people, not only as beneficiaries but also agents of social change. – Investing in social protection strategies i.e., child protection and young persons in the societies. TMCI aims at strengthening child protection systems by partnering […]
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Identify families with children

We scout our communities for families with children who have disabilities through: Partnering with local leaders For example, Local Council One leaders, and other leaders in identifying families with these children. Since the locals are well conversant with their communities, this eases in executing our duties. Sometimes the victims always reach out to their leaders, […]
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Create awareness through sensitisation

We give the best Services Sensitisation literally means making people sensitive about an issue which is the core of awareness raising and is what we ideally want to achieve. That people become more aware and react to certain issues. Through sensitization we are informing people about an issue of children born with disabilities and making […]
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Child protection

Child protection is top of the list at Touched Minds Charity TMCI defines child protection as strategies put to safeguard children and structures to prevent abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation. In a nutshell, it’s to prevent them from harm. The aim is to fulfil children’s rights as put by the UN convention on the rights […]
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