Welcome to Touched Minds Charity Initiative!
+256 751 921 201
9am - 5pm

Building a just society

We at Touched Minds Charity

Aim at promoting the participation of the most vulnerable communities, homes especially children and young people, not only as beneficiaries but also agents of social change.

- Investing in social protection strategies i.e., child protection and young persons in the societies. TMCI aims at strengthening child protection systems by partnering with other organizations which share TMCI’s objectives. Every child has the right to access vital social services and fair justice systems. All children deserve a right to education, health care and among others. Most of these children born in the disadvantaged communities have failed to access the above mentioned, in the long run, they fall in the traps of the physical and emotional abuse or neglect. They encounter discrimination, violence and exploitation. So TMCI, is looking at most vulnerable homes which need our attention.
- Reducing gaps in social and economic inequality e.g., through women/widow empowerment in small scale businesses to sustain themselves rather than dependency.
- Encouraging poverty reduction through practical skills and handmade works like weavings.
- TMCI focuses on equipping youth with knowledge and know how to handle business opportunities and future job endeavors. We aim at informing and educating plus training the youth with skills which will help secure job faster, self-reliance which reduces on the shoot up rate of job seekers.

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