Welcome to Touched Minds Charity Initiative!
+256 751 921 201
9am - 5pm

Identify families with children

We scout our communities for families with children who have disabilities through:

Partnering with local leaders

For example, Local Council One leaders, and other leaders in identifying families with these children. Since the locals are well conversant with their communities, this eases in executing our duties. Sometimes the victims always reach out to their leaders, so by engaging them it quickens our work hence service being paramount. Most of these disabilities are acquired through burns, others are born with them like cleft lip and palate, club foot. Others acquire them through unprofessional ministering of injections which causes paralysis of the limbs. These children are traumatised, which lowers their self-esteem and cannot participate freely with others plus being bullied at school.

Radio/TV talk shows

Through radio and TV talk shows, we easily reach very many people especially rural areas which also helps in creating awareness. This also helps the beneficiaries to quickly and easily reach us at the same time deliver our services.  Radio/TV talk shows also help us in giving feedback to the communities and sensitise them on how to live with the vulnerable.

Household visits.

 We identify these families of children born with disabilities through word of mouth in the door to door visits.

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