Welcome to Touched Minds Charity Initiative!
+256 751 921 201
9am - 5pm

Refugees Empowerment

At Touched Minds Charity

We aim at empowering refugees in the most vulnerable host communities through different interventions like:

Helping support children in the refugee camps in accessing better education, health care, fight malnutrition and enhance parental care.
Creating awareness and sensitisation on sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS among others.
Encouraging job creation among refugee youth with skills trainings like Tailoring, support and fund to become self sufficient.
Child Protection. Our areas of focus are physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and early child marriages. We realised that most children in the refugee/host communities are usually exposed to such insecurities. We aim to provide child centered, family focused services to protect them as the host community from any harm.
To reduce gaps in social and economic inequality e.g through women/widow Empowerment in small scale businesses.

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