Welcome to Touched Minds Charity Initiative!
+256 751 921 201
9am - 5pm

TMCI’S Sanitary Pads Outreach

Our “Menstrual Harmony” program aims to restore dignity and hope to hundreds of girls in the most vulnerable communities who miss classes or drop out of school due to a lack of menstrual products.

The sanitary pad outreach initiative was a tremendous success, enhancing the lives of vulnerable girls who are entitled to menstrual hygiene products. We were thrilled that our project was spotlighted in a special news segment on NTV Uganda!

We appreciate the chance to broaden our message’s impact and connect with a larger audience. Our gratitude goes to NTV Uganda for showcasing our work in shattering the profound silence surrounding menstruation.

The goal is to extend our reach to a greater number of girls, providing not only sanitary pads but also skills training to economically empower them.

A heartfelt thank you to all with the generous spirit of giving who joined this cause; we couldn’t have done it alone. To everyone who supported this outreach, including our partners Pepsi Uganda, Theatre Focus Uganda, the IGREC family, donors, and volunteers, your contributions have brought smiles to faces and hope to hearts.

Let’s keep moving forward together and create a world where every girl can thrive!



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