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9am - 5pm

TMCI’S Sanitary Pads Outreach

On the 15th August 2023, we were thrilled to attend a workshop about empowering youth on three continents to develop sustainable innovative business mobile solutions organized by UYSTO.

The workshop was held at Grand Global Hotel, and representatives from various organizations across the world were in attendance.

TMCI members were excited to be part of the workshop and learn from other organizations. They listened attentively as the speakers shared their experiences and insights on how to empower youth to develop sustainable business solutions.

The speakers emphasized the importance of innovation and creativity in developing sustainable business solutions. They also highlighted the role of technology, particularly mobile solutions, in empowering youth to create businesses that can thrive in the modern world.

TMCI members were particularly interested in the discussions about how to develop mobile solutions that can help to solve environmental challenges.

At TMCI, we believe in SDG No.17 where by with this goal we work on most activities through partnering with both local and international organisations in line with TMCI’s objectives.

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