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9am - 5pm

Raheem gets a smile for the grammies

We shared a story previously here, and we introduced you to a mother who was desperate and puzzled on what to do about her new born child’s condition, which was a Cleft Lip. 

We share the second part of the story as elaborated by the child’s aunt.

“Am here to testify how l have witnessed the hand of God working through a stranger who now became a sister to me, who helped give my Nephew, a forever beautiful striking smile.”

Her sister gave birth in July of 2022 and the child had an issue as previous mentioned in this post. 

l had never seen such a condition and l panicked, but remaining strong was my only option.
When my nakawere (mother of Raheem) stabilised, we were moved to the general ward but her tears about the baby’s condition couldn’t let me settle or sleep through out the night but rather grab my phone and start researching on why this happens to new born babies.

My hope arose after knowing the defect can be fixed but again scratched my head more asking myself which hospital could carry out the necessary procedure. I got so much scared of the costs because I very well knew we didn’t have money or it might take us years to fundraise for the complete surgery.

“… but her tears about the baby’s condition couldn’t let me settle or sleep through out the night …”

I won’t lie, this is the very day in my life that I felt the Holy Spirit was with us, regardless of the sad moment we were in at that time. God availed His power, love and comfort, and a solution to the problem.

It was that very moment when I saw Claire’s comment on a market day post on Facebook through Touched Minds Charity Initiative. She wasn’t selling anything, but willing to help children with disabilities, cleft lip and palate inclusive.

I was in disbelief! Our baby boy was just delivered five hours prior. Not even a day and someone is willing to help us, with no connections, no struggles! I rushed to her inbox. She asked for my contact number and called me right away. I can tell you talking to Clare was a breath of life. She is a super counsellor, with words of wisdom and encouragement. She became part of us ever since, checking on us up to today.

After two months, she called me with great news that our baby was ready to go for the operation and gave me all the necessary details to the hospital.

The operation was totally free, accompanied with free accommodation, free transport and free food for all the days we spent there.

The boy was out of the theatre extremely amazingly well fixed. He is so cute, we love his smile and can’t get enough of it.

My message is, God works in mysterious ways, fixing the hardships and expressing His hand of mercy when we most need help through people we never dreamt of meeting in our journey of life.

Dear Claire, you’re my superwoman, your’e my hero. At home we call you “Auntie Smile” for the fact you brought smiles to all of us. I and my family are so grateful for the support you offered to our little boy from the kick start. l really can’t thank you enough . Praying for you everyday for more blessings and a good life as God uses you to touch other vulnerable lives.

Story as told by the boy’s auntie, Babirye Barbra

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