Welcome to Touched Minds Charity Initiative!
+256 751 921 201
9am - 5pm

About us

Executive Summary

A Word From Our Co-Founder

We started Touched Minds Charity Initiative springing from a longing desire and passion to contribute to the communities we live in. The idea of a charity organisation sprung in my mind way back in 2015 and today we are glad that the organisation is licensed, registered and ready to serve and uplift lives.

We came to the realisation that, in the communities we live, we have neglected children and people with disabilities or those we classify as defected. Touched minds is trying to change all that by reaching out and giving a helping hand and a hope to such people in our society, by sensitisation drives, basic needs provisions and health care camp recommendations. 



Clare Kyarisiima


We have worked with several charity and non-profit organisations in the past, and this has molded our values and helped us strategise for the success of the work we are doing and to do in the future. We know and believe that if we come together with people like you reading this, through giving, donating and volunteering, we can make a difference in this world.


9th August 2021

MOU & Articles of Association signed

2nd September 2022

Organisation Registration

29th December 2022

First outreach. Support Disabled Children

12th June 2015

Birth of Touched Minds Charity Initiative

10th May 2022

Certificate of incorporation

2nd September 2022

NGO permit awarded
Want to know more about us? Just download brochure...
Our Mission Our Vision Our Values

"To coordinate with community leaders and medical personnel to transform, better and improve lives of disabled children and less privileged people across Uganda especially in the remote areas"

"To bring Equality to Everyone"


Encouraging employees to take initiative and give their best. Adopting an error-embracing environment to empower employees to lead and make decisions.


Acting with honesty and honour without compromising the truth.


Committing to serve and other initiatives which impact lives within and outside the organisation.


Ensuring the health and safety of employees and going beyond legal requirements to provide an accident free workplace.


Contributing to society and demonstrating corporate social responsibility.


Pursuing new creative ideas that have potential to change the communities.


Desire to achieve and fulfil the driven purposes of the organisation that is improving lives of so many Ugandans.
Thematic Areas

We have areas of focus that we base our work on

The Focus area are the broad thematic areas of Touched Minds consistent with our mandate, plans, programmes and projects as well as emerging issues. These are the foundation stones of our organisation


Creating awareness in combating HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases by organizing workshops, reach outs on how they can be cubbed down.


Combating climate change like encouraging tree planting, proper disposal of garbage and educating the locals on afforestation.

Gender based violence

Promoting women emancipation through programs like girl child education. Boy child also need to be put into consideration because they are fathers of tomorrow.


Helping women facing domestic abuse who feel too afraid to speak for themselves.

Wanna experience fullness of joy?

Come Work
With Us

In order to join our quest, please kindly send us your inquiry of interest. We shall revert back immediately.


It’s always a joy to hear that the work we do, has positively reviews.

We have spent 9 years working for one of Australia’s most recognised and successful retailers so we have many good review of works.

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